Anne Frank Huis

One of the main reasons I wanted to go to Amsterdam was to visit the Anne Frank Huis. I love Anne Frank. I love her book (I don’t remember the first time I read it but I fell in love with Anne again in University when I studied it in my first English class). I love the amazing story of her family and am in awe at their courage.

No pictures were allowed in the actual house which has been preserved to the state it was left in after the Nazis removed all eight people from the house (with no furniture in it – as the Nazis had removed it to sell it). It was a very emotional experience for me. My first experience of World War II in Europe. Tears were in my eyes as I wandered through the space (which was larger than I had imagined) and as I thought of the sad ending to such a bright girl’s life (she died just weeks before the war ended). Over the past few weeks I have seen so much in relation to the two world wars and it makes me sick that people can be so horrible. How do we let things like this happen?

As I young teenager, Anne was able to write a text that would go on to captivate the world (I believe her book is the most read, next to the Bible). Now, the Anne Frank Foundation brings awareness to groups who have been targeted all over the world.  It is astonishing to me how someone so young has had such a huge and lasting impact on the world.

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