101 in 1001

I love goals – plain and simple. I love setting a goal and meeting it, be it big or small. So when I was thinking about goals for 2011 I couldn’t come up with many specific things I wanted to accomplish this year. After all, I was living out one of the biggest goals/dreams I have had in my life. So instead, I decided to craft a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. The list wasn’t ready for January 1, 2011 so I decided to wait and start the list on my birthday and allow me to think about things I would like to accomplish in my 24th, 25th and part of my 26th years on this earth.

Some are silly, some are very real. Each goal is specific so there is no ambiguity in their completion. Some of the items on the lists have been done before and are simply experiences I want again while some are new things I want to try. My hope with these goals is to enjoy every day and to have fun trying new experiences and stepping out of my comfort zone.

I will track the list on my blog and will be blogging about goals I reach, am trying to reach or am having difficulty with. Items that are in italics are in progress and items that are complete are in bold.

Starts: April 13, 2011
Ends: January 8, 2014

Just for Me
1. Send a secret to Post Secret.
2. Fall in love.
3. Get a place of my own.
4. Become credit-card debt free and reduce number of credit cards to one.
5. Fly first class.
6. Get a facial and massage at least every quarter.
7. Learn how to paint on black nail polish (well!).
8. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day.
9. Go skinny dipping.
10. Find the perfect nude nail polish color.
11. Make a iPhoto book of my 2010/2011 European adventures and order it.
12. Save $5,000 for an emergency fund and replace the funds if they are used.
13. Try speed dating.

For Those I Love
14. Baby-sit a friends’ baby. COMPLETED! (August 2011)
15. Make standing date night with my sisters.
16. See a Jimmy Buffett concert with my parents.
17. Go on a roadtrip with my best friend.
18. Start a Sunday Brunch Club.
19. Take my sister on her grad trip.

For the Shopaholic in Me
20. Purchase a pair of diamond studs.
21. Buy the Sex and the City box set.
22. Get wood hangers for my closet.
23. Buy at least five classic items for my wardrobe.
24. Purchase a kindle.
25. Buy a hardshell cover for my MacBook.

For Life Long Learning
26. Go back to school and become a teacher. (Starting school in September!)
27. Join Dictionary.com word of the day mailing list to help improve my vocabulary.
28. Learn basic Sign language.
29. Learn how to drive standard.
30. Re-learn how to play basic piano.
31. Learn how to use basic Photoshop.
32. Take a Photography class and improve my SLR skills.
33. Start or Join a Bookclub.
34. Go to a museum and take a tour (to work on appreciating art).

For the Traveler in Me
35. Walk the Brooklyn Bridge.
36. Go to Cape Code and eat Lobster.
37. Visit the Eiffel Tower at night. COMPLETED! (July 2011)
38. Go to a cricket match.
39. Travel to India.
40. Travel to South Africa.
41. Hit total countries visited: 25 (currently: 22/25).
42. Spend at least two months road tripping the USA.
43. Visit the Grand Ole Opry and see a show.
44. Attend a service at a Baptist Church in the South of the States.
45. Live in New York for at least a month.
46. Attend an NFL game.

Becoming a Humanitarian
47. Become a regular blood donor (at least once every quarter).
48. Start volunteering for the Canadian Ovarian Cancer Society.
49. Attend a protest for a cause I believe in.

For the Homemaker in Me
50. Broaden my knowledge of wine.
51. Learn how to cook a chocolate souffle.
52. Learn how to make sweet potato fries.
53. Organize my recipes electronically.
54. Learn how to make an Indian dinner.
55. Learn how to make a Ukrainian dinner from scratch.
56. Eat Chinese food out of a box.
57. Buy a piece of art/painting for my first place.
58. Learn to bake the perfect red velvet cake.

My Adventurous Side
59. Go Skydiving.
60. Shoot a gun at a gun range.
61. Go Parasailing.
62. Go Bungee Jumping.

Just Because
63. Pay it forward.
64. Give someone a gift just because.
65. Cut down a Christmas tree.
66. Hide an inspirational message in a library book.
67. Sleep under the stars.
68. Work at Lulu Lemon.
69. Partake in a photoshoot, with me being the photographer. COMPLETED! (August 2011)
70. Dance in the rain.
71. Write a letter to the editor.
72. Learn how to change a car tire.
73. Go to a Karaoke Bar and sing.
74. Set up a site and sell my cards on Etsy.

For my Health Nut Side
75. Walk across the Golden Ears Bridge.
76. Walk up the SFU/Burnaby Mountain Hill.
77. Become an avid hot yoga goer.
78. Stop going through drive-thrus.
79. Run a marathon.
80. Improve my soccer skills.
81. Improve my Irish dance.
82. Learn to ski (again).
83. Complete the 500km in 201x.
84. Start taking vitamins (and keep taking them!).
85. Give up pop (for good).
86. Try a class at the Bar Method.
87. Stop using plastic bags and only reusable shopping bags
88. Stop watching TV while eating.
89. Try to waterski.
90. Develop a skin-care routine and stick to it.

For my Entertainment
91. Get a following on my blog.
92. Re-brand my blog.
93. Give up Facebook for two weeks.
94. Give up the internet for a week.
95. Become less obsessed with celebrities and Hollywood by cutting down my
internet and magazine reading.
96. Read the entire bible.
97. Watch 100 of the Top 250 movies (listed on IMBD) that I have not seen
(currently seen 42).
98. Get a blog mention in a major print publication.
99. Take a photo with a celebrity I admire.
100. Watch all of the Lost series. (Working on it! Currently on Season 6)
101. Read at least two books a month.

11 Responses to 101 in 1001

  1. Pingback: Some Loveliness for Friday | Being Allie

  2. Pingback: Being an Auntie | Being Allie

  3. Tiffany says:

    I have enjoyed reading your blog when I can.
    I would love to help you with your 90th goal!
    I sell BeautiControl and can set you up with a custom skin care regime if you are interested.
    Let me know.

  4. Pingback: 101 in 1001: #100 Complete! | Being Allie

  5. Pingback: Setting Goals for 2012 |

  6. Pingback: A Look Back at 2011 |

  7. Pingback: Saying Goodbye to Soda |

  8. Pingback: An Attempt at Making the Perfect Red Velvet Cake |

  9. Pingback: Some Needed Un-Plugging |

  10. Pingback: Facebook Free! |

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